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Dear friends,

I hope this little message finds each of you well and savoring the sunshine on this breezy spring day.

In my last little letter to you, I quote the wise and wonderful Marianne Williamson. I have been thinking a lot about her words, ‘Your playing small does not serve the world.’

The problem is that I have tried most of my life not to be as BIG as I am, rather to be just a little bit smaller. You see, growing up BIG was the way my Mom described herself physically in a less-than-kind-way. She said she was BIG boned and always the biggest of all of her friends. As a wedding shower present from Granny, my Dad’s mom, she was gifted a subscription to BIG and Beautiful Bride Magazine (that was a thing in the 70’s and this is a true story. Totally. Crazy. Huh?).

BIG has always been tangled up with weight and size and this struggle has been lifelong for me because I have always felt too BIG.

But, what if BIG has nothing to do with numbers?

What if BIG is how we describe the way we live, the way we love?

What if it really is better to be BIGGER?

'Our playing small doesn’t serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking…'

Friends, it is time to get BIG.




What is your truth?

What is your path?

What are your dreams?

How can you get BIGGER?

All of this will take you where you want to go and where you are meant to be. All of this will help you expand and become a BIGGER, brighter, bolder, even-more-beautiful you!

This little letter to you is me practicing getting BIGGER, trusting and leaping, placing myself into your hands. On Sunday, I am offering my first Restorative Playshop where I will facilitate solo, and I know that I am expanding as I prepare for those two precious hours of restorative goodness. In July, I am facilitating a retreat for women and as I plan and promote it, I can feel myself taking up more space, the capacity of both my heart and my courage increasing. In mid-September, I am going to do a seriously challenging hike that makes me a little (sometimes a lot) nervous and I can feel myself growing with every training mile.

The BIGGER I get, the more expansive my life and my ability to love becomes. I trust this is true for you, too!

So, friends, let’s get as BIG as we can and live from a place of unabashed joy where our worth is immeasurable and our willingness to play BIG is only limited by the edges of our imagination.

To playing BIG and trusting that it serves the world!

Always, Dawn

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